Hi everyone!

It’s Yokoka’s Quest’s 9th anniversary! The last of the one digit numbers, which is a bit crazy. Thank you for sticking around through this adventure with me, there’s quite a lot more story to get through but I’m thinking by the next one we should be 2/3 done!

In any case, here’s the couple of things I put together to celebrate this year;

– 1 week long #Cisumtember event; if you’re new around here every year I put some art prompts together. You’re welcome to draw something to those themes, the idea is to use the existing cast or go ahead and use your own characters existing within the comic’s world setting!

Reader survey, popularity poll & QnA; go ask Yfa and Azha some questions, and vote for your favourite characters. I’ll draw the results later!

I’ve put together blank assets if you’re interested in making your own status page entry. Oh also we have forums, consider joining! I’ll be putting together a custom layout at a later date and properly announce them then.

A new batch of downloads from the patreon 5$ tier wallpaper archive, which you’re welcome to grab for free or PWYW!


I was also going to make a tierlist but found out someone beat me to the punch, definitely go have fun with it though!


Thanks! See you,